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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Roundup

So you know the drill right? No? Well, here GOES the drill. The Roundup drill.

Truth is, I like to shop. Truth is, I like to SURF even more. And sometimes when I surf, I find stuff OTHER people have recommended that I TOTALLY wanna buy. This week, this is the stuff.

1. Decorative filing folders. While I'm still coming up with a USE for them so I can justify BUYING them, I'm bound and determined these ARE going to end up in my house. They're just too pretty not to own.

2. Decorative storage bins. For these? Well unlike my usual urge to just BUY the damn things and see what fits in them LATER, this time I'm going to go do some measuring. That way when they magically show up in my house and the husband asks a very big "WTF?", I can say, "They're for X my dear."

3. The coolest halloween costumes EVER. No further explanation is needed.

4. Elephant pillows. I have a thing for elephants and giraffes and other such animals I was lucky enough to see in Africa, and ONE day, I will have a second bedroom that is decorated completely to reflect that.


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2 chiming in:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I'd like one of each.

The desire is there. Now I just need the means.

Inkspot Workshop said...

I bought those tins you show from Ikea, 3 weeks ago, just loved them. As of date I have not even taken them out of the packaging, but they are sitting on a shelf just calling my name to do something wth them!

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