And so in those endless hours I've been spending on Etsy, I came across this - a custom-made stamp at Sweetpaperie. And not just a custom-made stamp, but a custom-made stamp for Christmas!
You know all those holiday cards you really don't feel like signing? Well don't, just buy a stamp! You know all those gifts you really don't feel like tying a gift tag to? Well don't, just buy a stamp! Oh, and you have someone in your family who's REALLY difficult to buy for but you know THEY send a lot of cards or gifts themselves? Hmmmm... just buy a stamp!
The thing with this stamp is it's one, easy to buy (a few simple clicks, a little typing of what you want YOUR stamp to say, and voila... done!); it's two, quick to ship (two weeks turnaround to make the stamp, then shipped); and three, it's not just easy to use, it's personal. I understand that deep down (or maybe not that DEEP down), I am a paper dork, so things like a custom-made stamp get me very VERY excited, but the idea of sending all my gifts out with a stamp that says "luv chicklet & mr chicklet" - well I just love that. THAT, to me, feels like Christmas.
So if you want YOUR house to start feeling like Christmas, hurry up and get your order in - Farah at Sweetpaperie gets two big thumbs up from me so she's bound to get very very busy this season. (Note: Orders placed by mid-November should ensure you get YOUR custom-made stamp in time for the season, but please check with Farah just in case).

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