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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Let the Day Begin...with Capri-Sun and a $250 giveaway!

++ UPDATED WITH WINNER at bottom ++

(Read all the way to the bottom to see what's in this post for you.)

Upfront disclaimer: This is a paid review. I received $50 and free samples for purposes of sharing my honest opinion.

Here's the song my mom used to sing to start our day, back in the day.

Here's the song I play to start my kids' day these days.

Anyone who is responsible for the start of another's day knows you gotta do it right.

As part of a BlogHer campaign, the cheerful folks at Capri-Sun Sunrise sent my family a case of their new flavors: Orange Wakeup, Tangerine Morning, and Tropical Morning.

Tessa and Reed were thrilled about their juice-bonanza. Reed's exact words were: These taste really good. When you drink them, you never wanna stop drinking them!. And Tessa had this to say: Mom! Tell everyone these are muchly good and not to spill them!

I like the fact that there's a full daily serving of both calcium and vitamin C, and I advise moms to check out the ingredient list.

While we got free juice, you also get a chance for something -- a $250 VISA gift card. Because Capri-Sun Sunrise is all about Making Every Day Better. Just like a mom.

Capri-Sun Sunrise is hosting a contest that runs April 29-July 8. You can enter below to win that $250 VISA gift card. Complete contest details are here and there are 8 chances to win.

The contest centers around these questions: What were your morning rituals when you were a kid? What cool or wacky things did your parents do as you headed out into the world? What do you do to start your family's day off right?

To enter, leave a comment below and share YOUR morning routine tips.
  • Gain an additional entry by linking on Twitter and leaving your tweet's URL below.
  • Gain anOTHER entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
  • Make sure you leave a valid e-mail address.
  • No duplicate comments.
  • This giveaway is open to US residents, over the age of 18.
The winner will be selected via random drawing and will notified by e-mail. After the close of the contest, you'll have 48 hours to get back to me (if I am unable to reach you); otherwise a new winner will be selected.

Good luck to all!

If you're new to All Thumbs Reviews, my blog partner Chicklet and I invite you to check out our main blogs, Weebles Wobblog and Bloorb. Thanks for visiting, and click on that subscribe button on the sidebar so you don't miss any of our finds!

++ selected. #138. FireMom, come on down! ++
Thanks to everyone for visiting and entering.
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202 chiming in:

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Terra said... 1

Our morning routine is pretty simple. I get up before the girls, put the coffee on, get a shower and make the lunches...they get up, we all shower, eat something and head out the door. It works for us!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said... 2

My morning routine includes walking the dog and getting at least one cup of caffiene into my system before waking up the boys.
I try to have a calm, happy environment for all of us to start the day.

Duffy said... 3

I sing the "good morning" song (from Singing In The Rain) to Zane every morning, but I love that you play "Let the Day Begin" - inspires me to vary my routine a bit! :)

It was great watching his reaction when I clicked on the first You Tube link. Apparently I haven't been butchering the song too badly, he still recognizes it when sung by a professional.

Unknown said... 4

Mornings are hectic with fast times and slow eaters! Organization and mornings are 2 failures for me. I remember when I was little my Grandpa always mumbled " morning" to which Grammy replied "good morning"! He always said " I only said morning - I never said there was anything good about it!" I guess that started my trend towards not being a morning person!
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 5

Following BestLight on twitter and tweeted

Danielle said... 6

In the morning one thing is a must- Eat a healthy breakfast! People overlook the importance of the most important meal of the day! Breakfast really gives you the fuel to face the day ahead!

CanCan (MomMostTraveled) said... 7

What were your morning rituals when you were a kid? When I was a kid I got myself ready (dressed, etc.) then ate breakfast, usually cold cereal and OJ and a multivitamin. I pretty much have the same routine now, except my mom doesn't pour my cereal anymore.
What cool or wacky things did your parents do as you headed out into the world?
I don't know if it was "cool" but I think it was a great idea that my mom gave me my own (Snoopy) alarm clock when I was 6. I was always responsible for my own getting up. I think that instilled some good life skills in me!
What do you do to start your family's day off right?
I keep the TV turned off and try to make sure my kids have time to play before we head out the door to school. They always whine that they want more time to play, so the TV needs to stay off! :)

onlycancan ta hotmail tod com

sphinx63 said... 8

When I was a kid, my mom would wake us up at a certain time, we would come downstairs and eat some cereal, go back upstairs and make our beds, change clothes, brush teeth and then off to school. It worked for us!

sphinxcw (at) aol (dot) com

judybrittle said... 9

Our morning routine is I get my grandson up to get ready for school and after he's dressed and eating his breakfast I get my granddaghter up for her to get ready. It has really made mornings so much more enjoyable without the arguing.

judybrittle said... 10

I follow on Twitter and tweeted

Deb Rox said... 11

I got myself up and to school as a kid. I don't really know how I did it! I pledged to help my kids and I do...maybe too much, because my oldest teen can't seem to even hear his own alarm clock when it's inches from the bed.

Anonymous said... 12

I set my alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than I really should get up, and I don't let myself hit the snooze button :) That way I can laze around a little bit. Then it's off to get the kids up, get lunchboxes packed and race off to school.

denise said... 13

My alarm clock is 30 ahead of when I ACTUALLY get up, because it really does take me half an hour to fully wake up =D.
Pack lunches the night before as well, and shower at night.

Idaho Jill said... 14

My daughter is only 2, so there is no rushing around yet. I get up for work, get ready, and am lucky if she is awake by the time I leave. She still drinks a bottle in the morning, so that’s about all I have to do even if she is awake-make her bottle. Now, when she gets older, I’m sure it will be a different story, but my husband is a realtor & is always home with her in the mornings-so I consider myself very lucky! thanks!

Idaho Jill said... 15

tweet tweet, thanks!

Idaho Jill said... 16

Blogged here:


Superdumb Supervillain said... 17

Trying to wake up without being woken up is a good motivator for me. I am so cranky if I feel like I am being forced to get up but if I psych myself out of bed on my own, it's not too bad...

DEBIJOT said... 18

The boys get themselves up each morning. Their clothes have been laid out the night before and the table set for breakfast. That way by the time I have my coffee and their breakfast on the table, they are ready to go.

Catherine said... 19

What were your morning rituals when you were a kid? My siblings and I had to be over for breakfast by 8:00. We all thought that we HAD to come over exactly at eight, not later and not earlier. One morning we all trooped over there exactly at eight, all in line. We were later told that we were suppose to be over no later than eight. Oh well!

Courtenay said... 20

Don't really have many morning routine tips. for me, it's try not to look outside if it's nice because I will start to wish I didn't have to go to work...Yet another reason why I'd love to win the lottery. :)

Courtenay said... 21

Here is my tweet entry:


Anonymous said... 22

Good Morning! When I was a kid I always ate cereal or bagel with cream cheese. But what made me get my mind off what I was eating was playing Super Nintendo with my mom. Every morning we would continue our game until the bus came. Donkey Kong was our favorite. Keeping the kids distracted while eating instead of sitting them down at the table and saying EAT, is a lot more productive.


Anonymous said... 23

I'll admit, there's not a lot that is "routine" about my morning. But one thing my Mom always did that I have carried on is to come in and sing: "Wake up wake up you sleepy head, it's time to get up and get out of bed." My boys love it, for now anyway....

Anonymous said... 24

I follow on Twitter and I retweeted! (momnerd)

CanCan (MomMostTraveled) said... 25

We don't have a routine to the extent that we have our own wake up song, but I like both of yours!
Usually my 4 and 1 year old get up and wake us up somewhere around 5 am, 6 if we are lucky. My husband makes breakfast for them which is usually eggs or oatmeal. I eat breakfast after the 4 year old is dropped off at preschool. That is about it! :)

onlycancan ta hotmail tod com

Feminist Review said... 26

My mom allowed my sisters and I to keep our own morning routines. So long as we were out the door on time, we were responsible for ourselves.

Unknown said... 27

My morning routine starts by my daughter singing and jumping in her crib in the morning then a nice healthy bowl of oatmeal then a bath for my daughter I usually put her down for nap then I get ready.

Unknown said... 28

I tweeted. . my username is 1amypugmire i don't know how to link. sorry.

Anonymous said... 29

I am a slow riser in the morning and I love to eat my breakfast with the kids while watching the Today Show. It's my kids who get me out the door because they are afraid of missing their school bus.

Kristen Virago said... 30

my morning routine includes yoga, meditation, walking the dog and sometimes cleaning.

Angie said... 31

I make up outfits for the kids and hang them on hangers inside their closets. All they have to do is grab a hanger depending on the weather or what they want to wear. Each night I make sure all shoes are lined up by the door and bookbags are filled with homework, papers signed and anything else needed. We pack lunches the night before so our mornings go pretty smoothly. I do set the oven timer 10 minutes before the bus so that serves as a reminder to get shoes and coats on. The kids' schools serve breakfast now and that has served as a great backup if we don't have time to eat at home. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 32

I try to get everything ready the night before. Lunches, bookbags, clothes. Then we eat breakfast before we get dressed to avoid any spills on our school clothes!

tinasly said... 33

our routine is simple wake everyone up everything is done the night before so the morning goes pretty smooth and head out the door

Laura E said... 34

Thanks so much for this opportunity. What my family and I do is get everything that we can ready the night before. I get all of there clothes laid out, lunches packed, and as much breakfast items ready the night before. I also get all my clothes and coffee ready to make before I go to bed. It really helps and makes the morning a lot less chaotic!

I don’t have a blog to get those extra entries but here is my email:

Betty N said... 35

When raising my children, what helped most was that I got up an hour before the rest of my family. I had a quiet breakfast, packed lunches and made the family breakfast. My boys were not hard to get up and going...

Suburban Stepmom said... 36

Prepare everything the night before lunches,clothes,breakfast plates, and schoolbags by the door.

Unknown said... 37

School starts for all 4 at 7am so we are up at 5 at the latest. Preparing everything the night before always helps to stay out of time crunches in the morning.

Unknown said... 38

When I was a kid my Mom was never very organized so it was a mess trying to get out of the house. We would stop for breakfast a lot at McDonald's or Burger King. When I was 8 I started getting myself up and ready and finally convinced my Mom to let me ride my bike to school so I would be on time. My daughter is still a baby but on the days I work I try and get everything together the night before so all I have to do in the morning is eat, grab my lunch, feed her, change her, and then go.


Denise said... 39

I guess as long as we keep to the routine, we do OK in the morning, but we're not in school yet, so that will change. I also try to have things done the night before if we have to be somewhere on time.

Danielle said... 40

I don't recall any morning routines growing up, but I am sure there was something. As for our house now, I try to have everything ready the night before, including having the breakfast table set.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 41

i honestly don't remember our morning routine when I was little other than eating breakfast and getting dressed. We really don't have one now either because our schedules are so crazy. on the weekends I try to make the girls a big brunch and they love it.

Unknown said... 42


Janice said... 43

My morning routine is to get DuckyBoy's lunch ready and then wake him up at the last possible moment, with his at-school breakfast already packed.

On those wonderful days when he wakes up in time to eat breakfast at home, I'm looking forward to trying CarpiSunrise. I saw the commercials and it seems like his kind of thing -- he can drink it with the other hand on the computer keyboard or the remote control, and in 5 minutes before it's time to get dressed and head for the bus!

Barbara's Beat said... 44

What were your morning rituals when you were a kid? up, eat, dress and go no real rituals. What cool or wacky things did your parents do as you headed out into the world? nothing comes to mind, sorry. What do you do to start your family's day off right?
I get up earlier and fix coffee and breakfast and start the day off with a smile and a happy Good Morning. I pack lunch the night prior to take a bite out of the rush in the a.m.

Barbara's Beat said... 45

Following BestLight on Twitter and tweeted


Laurie said... 46

My routine is to get as much of breakfast and lunch for the next day prepared and packed the night before. I am not a morning person, so this makes it easy for us to just grab and go.

Laurie said... 47

Here is my tweet:


Michelle said... 48

my routine is to get up earlier than the rest of the crew--it's helpful to have a half hour of silence! Then I prepare the boy to leave w/dad, then I awaken the girl...I like having 1-on-1 time w/ each to start *my* day, they seem to love it too!

Holly said... 49

My issues are getting people awake enough to eat and get dressed. I know I won't have much time so I get everything ready ahead of time. My morning routine tip is to put breakfast together, if you like things more complicated than toast, the night before. Mix the waffle batter/cut the fruit/whatever. Also set out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.

playswithclay said... 50

Since my four children balked at sitting down to breakfast cereal, they now prepare food the night before, often using leftovers or creating a sandwich (peanut butter on whole wheat with sliced bananas is a favorite.) The next morning they add Capri-Sun and finish a nutritious meal before heading to school or activities.

Unknown said... 51

I don’t have too many problems getting my family out of bed. I wake them up singing and leave the light on in their rooms until they walk out (usually doesn’t take long). I try to have breakfast ready and waiting for them when they wonder in. I also have their outfits ready and sitting out for them (get together while they are eating).

lori said... 52

I actually don’t have any struggles with getting little man to eat breakfast. The main problem is getting him to not eat everything! lol We alternate foods having oatmeal one morning, pancakes the next, cereal and fruit.

I usually let him wake up by watching a cartoon and then after that, we go outside and enjoy the day.

Jennifer said... 53

The morning ritual my mom had for us in the winter time was to warm our clothes up in the dryer. It made it so much better when getting dressed in a cold house!

ddtavener said... 54

My son responds very well to routine, so we just make sure to be consistant, and we don't usually run into too many snags.

Janet and Maya said... 55

I feel badly for my mom - i was SO hard to get out of bed, I just didn't want to get up. She would wake me up, I'd go back to sleep, she would wake me up, over and over.

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

I also sing the "Good Morning" song from Singin' in the Rain to my daughter and we also love to sing "Wake Up" from the show Lazytown. I just recently found a good one from Neil Sedaka. He sings "Waking Up is Hard to Do" to the tune of his classic, "Breaking Up is Hard to Do".

Janet and Maya said... 56

I blogged at
mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 57


mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

VickieB said... 58

I blogged about the giveaway here

VickieB said... 59


Twincere said... 60

My morning routine starts about 45 minutes before my 5 school aged children awaken.I make my coffee,"find my groove" and set the dinette up for an-anything- goes breakfast, complete with glasses for milk/OJ and their flintstones vitamins marking the place settings.As a rule, clothing (including all underclothes) have been approved and laid out the night before. The lunches and backpacks,school supplies, and shoes have also been prepared the night before. Doing this really saves time in my house because once my kids are up, mornings are crazy! Something always goes awry!

Twincere said... 61

Here's a link to my tweet!

Twincere said... 62

I blogged about the giveaway here:

one6ylady said... 63

As a kid, Mom had us take our showers the night before and layout our clothes and our backpacks so they'd be ready the next day. I guess when you've got five kids you have a lot of organization to make things work well in the morning. We'd all get up and go downstairs and mom would have cereal, chopped up fruit, milk, and bowls and spoons set up at the table so we could each pick our favorites and go to town (rice crispies, shredded wheat, puffed wheat, corn flakes and cheerios were the cereals of choice - mom never bought the super sugary cereals). After breakfast it was upstairs to wash our faces, brush our hair and our teeth, get dressed, then out the door to school. It was rather boring to have cereal for breakfast every day, but that's what people did "back then" when you have a lot of kids.

Times have changed. My kids hate to sit down and eat ANYTHING in the morning, so I make them breakfast smoothies that they drink as they walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus. I discovered that Capri Sun has enough sugar in it to prevent it from freezing into a solid, unbreakable block, so I just freeze the packets overnight. The next morning I simply smack 2 frozen packages on the edge of the counter a couple times before cutting open the bottoms of the packages and dumping them into the blender on top of two chopped up bananas or a cup of berries of some kind and one package of plain yoghurt then hit the crush button. In less than 2 minutes I have healthy breakfast smoothies that I pour into plastic ziploc bags, insert a straw into it. My kids drink them at the bus stop, then fold the straw in half and put it in the ziploc bag before sealing it up. Breakfast is done, the trash is contained, and they’re ready for a full day of school.

We vary the flavor of Capri Sun, they type of fruit, and sometimes add light flavored yoghurt to get a wide variety of different flavors so they don't have to have the same thing each morning - sometimes they even choose to have icy slushies and we add a couple tablespoons of water and extra fruit instead of yoghurt.


Anonymous said... 64

Pick out clothes the night before



get backpacks ready and put keys and phone together for all- coats shoes- you names it..we even set out the bowls and dry stuff ...and always have late I am late i need something to grab bags ready with juice and nonperishables (in fact my kids keep snack bars in their lockers and share with friends who forget their lunch or don't eat breakfast- so its cool to go. Not having breakfast is like sending a kid off without a brain till lunch- really empty belly does not help with concentration when teh stomach is growling.

lsfish said... 66

Make sure baths are done the night before to leave more time in the morning.

Debbie said... 67

I have a "lunch" area where I keep everything needed for packing lunches. Makes it a "one-stop" for the five lunches I make each school day.

dawn224 said... 68

Growing up it was just me and my mom in the mornings in a small house with a tiny bathroom. She would come in and grunt something about morning, we would go about getting dressed, and fed and out the door and rarely actually spoke to each other until we were in the car and actually on our way. It's a beautiful thing when non morning people understand each other.

dawn224 said... 69

The tweet:

dawn224 said... 70


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said... 71

Enter me please! Oh growing up, we always had a hot breakfast. Now it's cereal and fruit for me, but I always eat breakfast.

Deanna said... 72

When I was in highschool I primped so much that I woke up at 5- before my mom and just as my dad was leaving the house so I had enough time to do the proper '80's hair and make up before walking the 20 plus minute walk to school - more often than not in PUMPS! (with the little cute lacey socks and a mini skirt most days!)

Now- my biggest thing is even in the summer I wake up and shower when hubby gets up. It gives us a few minutes of quiet time and if I am very lucky I can get some computer time before the kiddos awaken.

samantha said... 73

I try to do as much the night before as possible. My son is 15 months old so he's not that hard to get out of bed--I have his diaper bag packed with extra clothes before i go to bed. I just really need to get myself dreseed and feed him breakfast and we're out the door. We always have to read a book or two and play with his ball though. Those are non-negotiable :-)

samanthajocampen at gmail dot com

samantha said... 74

I tweeted:

samanthajocampen at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 75

When I was a kid the first thing I would do was eat breakfast while watching cartoons.

Doreen said... 76

I don't have children so I routine is pretty basic. I get up at 6:45am, get dressed, I don't wear like any make up, make my lunch, brush teeth and put curlers in my hair. I work in a Special Needs School so life is pretty hectic for 7 hrs!! :) I'm kind of like a Mom! :) I work with preschoolers & middle School kids also.

Doreen said... 77

Tweet, tweet!

Doreen said... 78

Blogged also!! Hope to win!! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

David said... 79

I usually wake up, wash my face, have a quick snack and head over to the gym. Once I come back from the gym, I usually have to make myself a lunch before I head off to work and school. I'm practically out all day until I return from work at 7pm.


David said... 80

I also blogged about your giveaway:


David said... 81

I tweeted about your giveaway:


Amy from Occupation: Mommy said... 82

My only way to get out the door on time is to make sure to take a shower before my 2-year-old gets up. Otherwise, it's all downhill from there!

Katrina said... 83

I need some morning routine tips! I don't have much of a morning routine. I really need to work on getting up at the same time every morning and not hitting snooze too many times. =)

Anonymous said... 84

My morning routine is get up, shower, dress, do make up, do hair...and run out the door. It's not great, but its time efficient :)

mjf926 at gmail dot com


Sean said... 85

After pushing the snooze button a few times, I roll out of bed and hit the shower. I then eat a light breakfast while watching the news. I get dressed, brush my teeth and then give my wife a kiss goodbye.

seanm1999 at hotmail dot com

JOY said... 86

I always snooze once, but then I'm up and out the door within 30 minutes.
My suggestion: Sleep as much as possible, and work quickly to get out the door :)

email: mjharvey26 [at] yahoo [dot] com
name: Joy

Jessica said... 87

Even as an adult I like to pick out my outfit the night before an knw what I am having for breakfast.That way there is no wasting time.I also like to take a shower the night before instead of morning to save time as well.
driven873 AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said... 88

I pick out my outfit the morning before and shower at night, so that less to do in the advice...plan ahead so you aren't rushing in the morning
9_26 at myway dot com

Tracy L said... 89

My morning routine always revolves around my darling dog! We always go out for a thirty or forty minute walk in the morning, which is a great way to start the day.

Leslie M. said... 90

This is pretty funny! My mom LOVED Pancakes.. so she would fix them for my twin and me almost EVERY single morning! She would Slather them in butter and DRENCH THEM in Syrup and then give me a Thimble full of milk to wash them down!
When my 5 year old little throat would close up from all that fat and sugar (hahah) I would beg her for more milk! She would say "of sure.. when you finish your pancakes!!!" I gagged down about 8 billion pancakes back in the day with about 6 teaspoons of milk!

To this day I despise pancakes! hahah'

My routine with my kids... we don't have time for hot breakfast during the week and I will be darned if I will ever flip a pancake! hahahah

It is cold cereal during the week and on the weekends the skys the limit (just do NOT Make me cook or eat a pancake!)

We just make sure We eat something to start the day off right!!!

Thanks for a GREAT Giveaway!!


Leslie M. said... 91

LeslieVeg left a Tweet


Michelle said... 92

When I was a kid my mother had to all but physically drag us out of bed! She'd come into our room about ten times per day to get us up. Finally, we'd get up and eat some cereal while we watched Flipper and Mr. Wizard. (yes it was a long time ago!)

mpelosi at partners dot org

JoeyfromSC said... 93

I blogged about the giveaway(yahee, I'm comment 100!! lol)

JoeyfromSC said... 94

haha@that drum song!

I love the good morning song..cute!!

Very nice contest!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Well, i raised two brothers after my mom died, so I know all about morning routine lol

Our main plan was preparing the night before..of course having all papers signed, bookbags ready, and their outfits selected and ready to go!

I would always get up early(most days) and prepare breakfast. We would do make ahead breakfast casseroles sometimes too so it was much faster in the morning.

I also had to wake up my oldest brother one morning by putting shaving cream on him! lol-He would NOT move and slept w/o his shirt so I took shaving cream and woke "get up" on his back haha

I can't remember anything from childhood about my morning routine sadly...I mean I do remember my Mom making breakfast

Chris said... 95

My dad would always fling open my door and flip the lights on and say "get up" very firmly... I hated waking up like that.! And you had better not make him come back and do it again... :) Now its just a matter of rolling out of bed and stumbling to the coffee pot. haha

Unknown said... 96

I have to have my coffee!

Peggy said... 97

First things first and that means coffee in me so I can start my day ,then start waking up the kids. Some of the kids like a shower in the morning and some the night before,but always pick out their clothes the night before!Thats one battle I don't want or need in the morning.Breakfast is oatmeal or cereal ,fresh fruit,something that is fast and easy.Thanks

Peggy said... 98


Tamara B. said... 99

Crazy around our house in the mornings between getting son to Chess Club meetings or track practices before school Monday through Friday get home get daughter to the bus stop. I premake alot of breakfast foods the weekend before and zap in microwave to reheat, a juice pouch and we ready for the day.

moosh in indy. said... 100

Oh dear.
My mom was IN THE CAR at 7:57am. If we weren't? We were walking. No questions or bargaining out of it.
Now days I find that if we make getting ready a priority before breakfast we're much more timely so we can get to the best part of waking up, FOOD.

Artistic Cook said... 101

Morning Routine:
To get kids up in the morning I open the blinds and bring them a glass of orange juice to help wake them up.
Our routine never goes quite as planned, but we try

artisticbaker at gmail dot com

Whitney said... 102

Looking back, mornings were a breeze as a kid. My mother always had me prepare the night before... shower, clothes picked out, etc. Mornings consisted of waking up (half the battle), brushing hair and teeth, dressing, and a quick breakfast. My how things have changed. Unfortunately, mornings aren't that simple anymore. My key ingredient to a successful morning is caffiene!

Whitney said... 103

I tweeted:

pattycake said... 104

Try to have necessary things near the door and ready to take with you--homework, lunches, special school projects, etc

Unknown said... 105

Planning breakfast the night before.

Egare1 said... 106

Our morning routine means hubby waking up half an hour before I get up. He starts the coffee pot and gets everything sorted, then keeps the rest of the family on track.

If he's ever ill, the house grinds to a halt!

Just Me said... 107

my parents would give us a hug and kiss and tell us they loved us before we left for school every morning, and my husband and I do the same thing now. We give each other a kiss before we leave the house, and I think it's a good routine to have :)

justacakebaker at gmail dot com

Just Me said... 108


Shooting Stars Mag said... 109

I don't have kids of my own yet, but when I was younger...we always tried to have some semblence of a schedule from when to get up, having everything ready the night before to go, and we had uniforms so that alwaysss helped the clothes dilemma. We didn't waste time figuring out WHAT to wear, only that we had our outfits each day in the right spot.

We all tried to work around each other too, depending on who left when so we aren't walking all over the whole family if we could help it.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

janetfaye said... 110

When I was young my mom was always up very early in the morning. In the winter she would have Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat ready for us and in the warmer months pancakes or bacon and eggs. We looked forward to breakfast so there was no problem with getting us up.

Our morning routine goes smooth because we plan the night before. My family lets me know what they want for breakfast and I get most of it ready the night before. I like to use the individual cereal boxes or instant oatmeal on the mornings that we are rushed. I always have my clothes picked out the night before. If I don’t plan then it becomes a mad rush.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said... 111

I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Liz said... 112

My morning routine is to have clothing and quick breakfasts prepared for my kiddos, so we aren't late for school! I do have a hard time waking up early though, so I try to get in bed fairly early, which doesn't always happen...

Liz said... 113


Liz said... 114


makeetis said... 115

I lay school clothes out at night and get up and help my kids with getting ready and they either eat a bowl of cereal or a cereal bar and sometimes if I have 5 minutes scrambled eggs. In my area the grade school kids (all of them) get free lunches in their classrooms.

icefairy said... 116

My tip is to establish a routine and stick to it. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

icefairy said... 117


icefairy said... 118


Becky said... 119

Plenty of coffee is a must for my morning routine.

Becky said... 120

I tweeted:

resenn (at) gmail (dot) com

Rebecca said... 121

I hated getting out of bed as a kid, especially on cold days. And I still have a hard time getting up! Now I just grab breakfast on the go. This looks like a great on-the-go breakfast! (

Diane said... 122

I always plan lunch and lay my clothes out the night before. I bought an automatic feeder for my cats which holds about 5lbs of food and goes off 3x a day which helps because im not tripping over hungry cats the second i get out of bed.

Diane said... 123

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said... 124

I am a SAHM of a 6 month old and my husband is in the army and out the door at 6, before we get up, so our mornings are pretty tame. I always start out with a coffee to help be productive! As a child I was actually pretty spoiled- I got breakfast in bed a lot- best way to wake up EVER! =)

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said... 125


Kimberly Kihega said... 126

Our routine is simple. We get the boys up (sometimes it's hard to get my oldest up!), get dressed and turn the tv on for a bit while I get a simple breakfast together such as pop tarts, cereal, toast, etc.

FireMom said... 127

Our morning routine:

BB comes in at seven-zero-zero. He snuggles for a bit. Get up with him, get him oatmeal, get me coffee. Get started on work. Work until LB wakes around 8:30. Repeat breakfast with him. Work a bit more. Chase them around the house and play games until lunch.

I like mornings.

Anonymous said... 128

My morning routine. Coffee it's a must have. I get up before everyone just to have that 15 min of peace! Then its kids up. Hot breakfast, and the kids go off and play. Now that its summer we try to go outside pretty early so I can get them tired for a nap hopefully! Then I shower and thats the day. Pretty boring

Anonymous said... 129


Unknown said... 130

Our Routine Parents up at 530. I go for a walk while DH hits the computer. WHen I get back local news, and coffee. DH leaves about 7 while I watch national AM news. Son gets up about 7ish so there is a fight as to his TV shows or mine. By 730 i give up and he gets TV. I shower and check computer. Son usually wants breakfast about 8. by then I am on my second cup of coffee. after breakfast we start school.

Unknown said... 131


Unknown said... 132

you know my blog.

Anne said... 133

since it is summer, our mornings are pretty chill now. but we still wake up with the sun 6:30 at least, eat some breakfast, and make sure to take showers. that starts the day off right!

MrsSpock said... 134

We're boring. Hopefully, The Boy is still asleep while we get ready. Then we get him dressed. He brushes his teeth and I sing, "This is the way we brush our teeth..."

Unknown said... 135

My dog, Pepper, usually wakes me up first thing wanting to go out. She will bark until I get up! During the school year, I get my kids up and ready for school. Summer is more laid back. I have teenagers, so they sleep til at least 10:00am.

Unknown said... 136


amie said... 137

I tweeted and you know where :)

Amie said... 138

My morning routines consist of me letting the dogs out and trying to get the hubby out of bed...he is harder to wake up than most kids. I then head to Starbucks for my coffee and off to work!!!!

Shellie @Military_Mom said... 139

Plan the night before, or create a "menu" list on a clip board so the kids have a limited selection for breakfast. Have them pick before bedtime so you know what to fix and hit the ground running.


Mary said... 140

I always prepare my children's breakfast while they're still asleep. That way when they get up, they can eat right away and get their energy up.

mfalcon13 at hotmail dot com

Punked Mom said... 141

I put everything out the night before. Clothes, socks, shoes, hair ties, jackets - backpacks by the door. Glasses, bowls on the table. Being prepared is the only way I can get all the kids ready to go.

Anonymous said... 142

No kids in the house here, but I still have a routine. I get up at 5:30, have coffee while I check emails, feed the cats, pack a lunch and I'm off to work at 6:15.
pantherpaw327 at yahoo dot com

pattycake said... 143

We organize, clothes, homework, ect. the night before, so things are ready to go

Anonymous said... 144

Some morning routine tips? Keep your breakfasts simple - cold pizza, cereal, fruit. All good, and not too much hassle. If you have a coffee pot that has an automatic timer, all the better! And keep the TV off in the morning! It's far too easy to settle in and watch TV when you should be getting going.

James said... 145

I agree with Suburban Stepmom just lay everything out the night before matching socks, shoes, decent outfit.
Then in the morning all you have to do is brush your teeth, shower, do a few dishes while breakfast is cooking and pick up the house before leaving so you return to a clean home.

Unknown said... 146

Growing up there was nothing that made my mom crazier than hair hanging in your eyes. I was, once again, attempting to grow my bangs out and my mom told me constantly to pin it back or she'd cut it herself. Naturally, I didn't believe her until one morning when I came down for breakfast on my way to school. My mom grabbed a pair of pinking shears and cut my bangs while I was shoveling cereal into my mouth. So I went to school with the most uneven bangs ever until I got home and she took me to the hairdresser to correct it.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said... 147


shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said... 148


shel704 at aol dot com

adrian said... 149

I enjoy waking my kids up by entering their room singing to them. Having breakfast waiting for them helps too.
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anne said... 150


throuthehaze said... 151

when I was a kid my routine was to get up and grab something to eat, get dressed and brush my teeth, then it was either walk to school, play with friends, or hang out around the house.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Stefanie Hartman said... 152

My morning routine tips -

Get as much ready the night before as possible for baths/showers, clothes ready, homework ready, instruments, gym stuff .. We keep shoes, coats, backpacks in certain place in entry. Exact bedtimes per age. I have 4 kids, 3, 6, 11, 15 - I have to be organized. All 4 will be in school this year. I keep breakfast to quick and healthy. Instant oatmeal, whole grain toast, or cereal with fruit or smoothies. Big breakfasts like pancakes and eggs I save for Saturday mornings. My kids get all the way ready before breakfast so they can relax and chat while we watch for the bus. Blessings

Stefanie Hartman said... 153

tweeted id keepsakebaby

covercover said... 154

No kids here! Only when any of my many nieces and nephews come to a longer visit, but since that is usually in summer we don't have any problems with them. They're always very eager to get up and have fun at the beach :)
The only tip I can give is to be calm!


covercover said... 155



Christi S said... 156

My morning goes much easier if I make sure to have everything we'll need to wear and take with us laid out..but that doesn't always happen, of course! If it does, things go much smoother!

pierce said... 157

To start our day off right, we actually have a water gun fight, and it works quite well and its quite hilarious

pierce said... 158

We do get a little exercise in the morning and try to get a lot of nutrition in everyone's diet.

kat4 said... 159

I've never been a morning person, even as a kid, so I learned early to do as much as possible the night before to get ready. My mom helped me learn that lesson and it's still one that works for me all these years later.

yadgirl said... 160

When I was a kid, my mom and I decided which clothes I'd be wearing tomorrow, and hung them on my door. When I got up, all I had to do was curl my hair (not an easy task) and put on my clothes. Breakfast was a maybe.

April said... 161

I really can't remember any morning rituals as a child. I do remember my Mom waking me up by pulling the blankets completely off of me from the foot of the bed. I'm not the nicest person in the morning. My morning routine now is to drag myself out of bed after hitting the snooze button 2-3x then racing around the house trying to get myself everybody else ready and out the door. Did I mention I hate mornings?

April said... 162

I follow best light on Twitter under April1p and tweeted:

Giant Sis said... 163

I am the oldest, so my morning was usually spent getting my sisters ready for school and making sure we left in time to catch our bus! I'd have to wake them up - usually by singing or something, but it worked! I don't think we were ever late for school!

Carolyn G said... 164

We get up and shower, dress and meet in the kitchen. I make breakfast, we watch the news or TODAY show and then we are all off for the day.

Carolyn G said... 165


Jinxy and Me said... 166

My mom was NOT the typical "healthy breakfast" mom. My sister and I always joke that if we would complain in the morning that there was nothing to eat Mom would say "What are you talking about?!? There is perfectly good birthday cake right there on the counter." Unfortunately, some of that has stuck with me for life and some mornings I do crave a big piece of cake!

Jinxy and Me said... 167

I tweeted here:

Jinxy and Me said... 168

I blogged here:

Anonymous said... 169

I wake up long before everyone else so that I can make smoothies for breakfast. What they dont know is that I put veggies in their smoothies. All they know is that they taste good!

CMarie said... 170

I love mornings!!! My son gets up and in the shower. then i get up to make coffee and a simple breakfast, eggs, hashbrowns, and a tortilla. The rest of the family gets up in time to have breakfast together. Then i send everyone off to school and work.......aahhhhhh!!!
Now for when I was a kid I refused to eat breakfast and you better let me sleep till the very last minute.

Amy L said... 171

To speed up your morning routine, do as much preparation the night before as you can. Set the table for breakfast (I've even put dry cereal into bowls - just add milk and it's ready), lay out clothes, put bookbags by the front door, pack lunches, etc.

Jen said... 172

The usual for me ... try to get everything ready the night before.

guettel78 said... 173

I don't have children, but I often babysit for my sister and close friends, and I often use the same techniques that my mom used on me growing up, which still work on me since I'm equally stubborn most of the time! For instance, I will program alarm clocks to play our favorite songs to start us off on the right note, entice them with the smell of their favorite breakfast foods (and myself with the aroma of coffee brewing in my auto-timer brewer), and have them look forward to walking my two dogs in the morning, which is an activity we always look forward to. I've found this set of strategies works pretty well, even on weekends! Thanks for the giveaway!

guettel78 said... 174

I tweeted the giveaway:

guettel78 said... 175

I blogged about the giveaway:

Lower Mitten Kitten said... 176

Mornings are rough in my house. My 4 yr old hates getting up. His grumpiness is sometines helped with a little snuggle time, but we're often late. No worries, though - the boss has kids, too :-)

Carmen said... 177

My morning routine is to make sure I have enough coffee. That's it.

Thanks for the chance.

LindsayC said... 178

My morning routine is always really hectic. Its a study in chaos. The best tip I have for making things less chaotic is an egg timer. I use it as a motivating tool especially for showers. If I didn't regulate it I would pay millions in water bills. So it becomes kind of a game who can get their shower in under the timer.

Kim said... 179

My tip is to keep it FUN and not boring, otherwise the kids will control the morning!

Beejax said... 180

I don't have kids so for me the biggest struggle in the morning is getting up in time to have breakfast and not just the horrible coffee at the convenience store. I've tried everything from setting my clock ahead to setting three alarms and it seems my body just knows when the very last second to get up is. Breakfast bars and anything I can grab in 3 seconds is my best tip for taming a hectic morning.

Leland's Mama said... 181

Back in the day, my mother and I took turns spraying each other with a water bottle to wake up. I plan on doing the same for my son when he is old enough. It really does work.

Leland's Mama said... 182


Leland's Mama said... 183


standing2gether to live cleaner and cheaper said... 184

Most of the time my routine starts about 5:30.I like to get up earlier than the others for a little me time with maxwell house.. lol..cant get started without that.Then comes opening the hen house and letting the dog out.I try to get the kids up in a good mood instead of rushing them,which just stresses us all out.Then it is juice time with a bowl of cereal to start off the day right with them…
That is a good day…
A bad day…when i have the granddaughters(age 13 mos ) that awake at the crack of day . ;(
Which ever day it is ,the only key i have is persistance…stay on schedule,and be prepared for anything…lol
thanks again for the contest ,would love to win it!

standing2gether to live cleaner and cheaper said... 185

nannato5 another chance to win 250.00 gc!
twittered you and follow nannato5


Ms. Anita said... 186

I honestly can't remember what my morning routines were as a kid.

Now, we have to pick out our clothes (including shoes & socks) the night before, or we seem to NEVER make it out the door on time!

roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Ms. Anita said... 187

I tweeted:

roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Ms. Anita said... 188

I blogged about it:

roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

auntrene said... 189

Our household routine begins the night before.. Everything ready, clothes laid out.. the whole nine yards.. The more that is ready the night before then less to forget in the morn.
Of course I only have the kids here everyonce in a while, (nieces and nephews). but that's what works for me.

barnett1949 said... 190

As a kid,all i had to do was get dressed.My mom made a hillbilly breakfast of biscuits,gravy,sasuage,eggs.All i had to do was eat.But....NOW DAYS...i do the dishes while my wife gets the kids ready,WE only have one daughter but all the other kids seem to think this is their home we got a housefull.I also cook breakfast while all this ig going on.Men have it made.

barnett1949 said... 191

I blogged this contest.

barnett1949 said... 192

I tweeted this contest.

GStix said... 193

My kids are my dogs and they definitely have a hectic morning breakfast routine. The puppy gets up around 5am to be let out. Then all of the dogs are up by 8 and looking for food. Its chaos because the puppy is hyper and one of the adult dogs has a little weight management issue and has to be watched to make sure she doesn't eat everyone's breakfast. Its a juggling act especially before morning coffee.

Mariana said... 194

My kids aren't in school yet, but to make mornings go more smoothly I always set my 4yo's clothes out the night before. I also try to have cut up fruit in the fridge so it's easy to grab with yogurt or cereal for an easy breakfast.

Danny said... 195

Our morning routine is really just hustling everyone together and trying to put breakfast on the table. Its always really hectic because no one wants to get motivated in the morning. We do a lot of prep work the night before by putting out the clothes, having lunches packed and in the fridge, etc. Otherwise we'd never make it out the door in the morning.

Jan said... 196

Our morning routine is really just hustling everyone together and trying to put breakfast on the table. Its always really hectic because no one wants to get motivated in the morning. We do a lot of prep work the night before by putting out the clothes, having lunches packed and in the fridge, etc. Otherwise we'd never make it out the door in the morning.

Cakeblast said... 197

My oldest son (who is a toddler) thrives on routines. Every morning he wants strawberry milk, his gummy vitamin, cereal (Alpha Bits or Cheerios), and a cartoon (Sprout, Noggin, or Discovery Kids). I like to watch the cartoon(s) with him and discussing what we watch before heading off to work.

Cakeblast said... 198

I tweeted..

ewalsh40 said... 199

My morning routine now is a lot different then it was even last year. Because at fifteen years old, my son is old enough and responsible enough to take care of a lot of things for himself.

The only thing that he'll eat for breakfast is a bagel and cream cheese and juice. After years of trying to find something that he'll eat in the morning, this more than satisfies my need for him to eat breakfast. And the fact that he can fix it himself makes me happy.

I fix his lunch the night before and make sure to ask him about homework and packing his backpack the night before. So in the morning, on days that I'm off work I can sleep in a little later and just get up a half an hour before he takes off for school.

ewalsh40 said... 200


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