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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Time for a Roundup!

It's been awhile since I looked around at what other people are recommending, so I figured it's time to steal a few ideas from people smarter than me - people with great taste - and pass them onto you in case you missed them.

  1. While it's an older post (she's been busy with a new baby recently), ever since Dooce posted it, I haven't stopped thinking about this damn pink iPhone cover. The weirdest thing is I HATE PINK and I don't OWN an iPhone... that might explain just how COOL this iPhone cover is if I'm STILL thinking about it despite all I just wrote. Or it might explain that I'm essentially... CRAZY.
  2. Mighty Goods posted one of the coolest ideas ever this week - a USB Battery Charger. And no, this isn't just an IDEA, it's a very real and very useful looking little thing you can actually BUY. If you take your laptop everywhere, but have other gadgets that need batteries, this little gadget might become that next thing you just CANNOT live without.
  3. Again, an older post, but still a gooder - the fabulous Emily wrote about Penny People Designs, and these very cool Alphabet Prints they sell. While I think I'd switch to a black frame, the concept behind it is very very cool for any kid's room - any age. I'm just pissed I wasn't a winner:-(
  4. Next on the list is something *I* was going to write about here on All Thumbs, but really, how the hell do you write an entire post about Blister Band-Aids without putting people to sleep? To keep it short and sweet, these things rock - they heal your blister fast, you barely feel them, and they do NOT come off even the sweatiest runner's feet while running. So yea, I'm linking to my own good taste. Yay for me!
  5. And last but not least, it's something I covet - truly truly COVET. They were on the homepage of Etsy at some point (but not now so I can't link to that), and well, they're just damn cool. Hand-made and very funky bloomers. To cover diapers. I heart these. You should too.

And now to you - have you seen anything on other sites you think we should know about? Something you think everybody should covet right along with you?


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7 chiming in:

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Here's some things on my love list:
Incredible word art-

Rocking plastic rings/bracelets
guerrila cuffs

chicklet said...

Martha, I am so totally loving the word art! Awesome find, thank you!

MrsSpock said...

Envirosax reusable shopping bags- which I think Lori has form my giveaway, eh?

Of course, Bumgenius cloth diapers and Thirsties covers- don't know if you have any interest in trying Chicklet...

Frames from received one as a wedding gift, loved it, and gave them as gifts to grandparents after J was born

chicklet said...

Mrs Spock, while I'm loving the stylin' bags and the diaper covers, what I may just have to go spend some money on RIGHT NOW is the frames and other personalized stuff! Those are awesome, thank you!

JJ said...

Thanks for the great suggestions, Chicklet!

Ginny said...

I have a usb battery charger, they are pretty cool~

nancy said...

duct tape. Yes, in general. That's what I think everyone should covet.

Sure, everyone KNOWS the beauty and functionality that is duct tape. But have you used it lately? It comes in all sorts of colors now too (well, it has for years) so it's super cool.

Seriously. Buy a new roll and leave it out where you can see it all the time. I guarentee you'll use it ALL the time.

I thought of this because of the blister bandaids... For roller derby, I was going through tens (heh) of dollars every few weeks. Until I pulled out my duct tape and just put that over my blisters. Oh yeah.

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