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Your Reviewer
Lori Lavender Luz

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Replacing chaos with order

I met Julie via Twitter. She runs a cool site called Free Birthday Treats. Make sure you check it out anytime there's a birthday in your family.

But that's not what this post is about.

After some get-to-know-you chitchat, Julie promptly arranged for a client company to send me a Card Cubby®.I've tried coupon organizers before, but I've never been disciplined enough to trim and sort routinely. Plus, I'm just not going to cram another thing into my purse and lug it around.

But I obviously needed some help with the nest that had sprung up in my car.

I keep my gift cards, business cards, coupons, frequent drinker/launderer/eater/buyer punch cards in my car so that I have them whenever I am out. See how well this worked:

(This is the space between the front seats of my car.)

You can see why I was game for a new system.

I got to choose from 7 colors , and my complimentary Card Cubby® arrived within just 2 or 3 days.

I dug out scraps from between said seats, from other nooks and crannies in my car, from "organizers" in my kitchen, parts of my wallet and purse, and a "dump box" I have in our family room.

I filed each item alphabetically, combining both white and yellow page systems depending on how I'm likely to search for something. Under the 'B' tab, I have cards I collected from BlogHer08. Under the 'M' tab, all the cards from the last meeting of the Mile High Mama bloggers. All restaurant coupons are behind the letter 'R.'

Notice the difference:

(Note: I was not driving at the time I took the photos.)

So far so good.

Pluses: The Card Cubby® is an attractive tool, better shaped for cards than other coupon wallets. It seems durable and I have hopes that it will be long-lasting. It has done well at pulling order out of chaos for me.

And everyone I've shown my Card Cubby® to so far has wanted to buy one.

Considerations: For me, the size is too big for a purse. But it will work perfectly for the console of my car.

The price is $20. I give the Card Cubby® a thumbs up. Head on over to select your favorite color.


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6 chiming in:

Anonymous said... 1

see...all my cards and the like are in the handle of my fall out any ole time...this is fantastic...I am up to order one RIGHT NOW...thanks Lori

Anonymous said... 2

Thank you for a wonderful review of the Card Cubby Lori and for the plug to my Free Birthday Treats website.

I did want to mention as well, that I actually carry my Card Cubby in my purse and it fits quite nicely. Obviously this won't be the case for everyone, but it works for me. Here is a link to the picture of it in my purse:

Thank you for reviewing the Card Cubby!

luna said... 3

very clever little contraption. though I bet T & R have more fun playing with the stuff between the seats?

N + S said... 4

Just found this blog and read through a bunch of it! Great thorough reviews!

chicklet said... 5

I just got mine and I have to say it's very very cool - thanks Julie!

I need to play with it a bit to see if it's better in my big ol' purse, or in the car. Will update once have played more...

MrsSpock said... 6

Something to think about before I go to BlogHer '09...

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