So normally when I do a roundup, I highlight things OTHER sites have found - things I wish *I* had found, and/or... things I wish the husband would BUY me. However, we all know what time of year it is, and we all know what's LOOMING on the horizon... so THIS roundup, well it's all about EASING your pain a little.
Don't know what to buy that budding photographer in your life? I've got a couple quick ideas for you! Don't know what to stuff in your metrosexual man's stocking? Again, I've got an idea for you! So let's get started!
- Does your man LOVE using your fruity-smelling shampoos, but get a little embarrassed when people comment on how "nice" he smells? Well help MAN UP that metrosexual with a little of his OWN sweet-smelling shampoo! For $11, American Crew Peppermint Cleanse is some of THE best smelling shampoo EVER, it fits perfectly into his stocking, and uh... it's MUCH more manly-smelling than your apple blossom blend...
- Got a friend or sister who REALLY likes cute little PAPER stuff? Why not put some Lotta Jansdotter Sticky Notes in her stocking! They're super small, super cute, and for a little over $5, they're OHHHHH so original.
- Is your friend pregnant? While not cheap at $75, this cute set of onesies is absolutely perfect for photographing each milestone month of that first year. No? That's not the right fit? Okay, well maybe she's kinda concerned about all that weight gain? For just under $12, you can try a Fit Mama book to help her get the weight off after she delivers!
- Is your child always stealing your camera from you? Maybe they even take BETTER pictures than you? Well, for as little as $20-40, he can have a Disney Pix Click Cars Digital of HIS own, and she can have a Disney Pix Click Princess Digital of HER own! For those able to fork out a little more ($149), Fisher Price puts together a Kid Tough Digital Camera Kit.
Digital Camera Nerds:
- We all have THAT friend don't we? The one who will never ever EVER put down their digital point and shoot? Well for THAT friend, we've got two fabulous stocking stuffers. The first, is a mini tripod. Sick of seeing ALL their photos of them in that weird angle that means they had their arm extended out in front of them to take their OWN DAMN photo? For just under $6, you can get them this mini tripod - it's bendy, it's cute, and it fits in a purse (or pocket).
- Next up, for that SAME friend, is the $12 Aquapac. While it only fits little point and shoots (not bulky SLR's), it kept our point and shoot safe and sound while we walked from one beach THROUGH the water over to that other beach on the other island. I wouldn't trust it to be 100% submersible, but the splatters of splashes didn't TOUCH our camera - only our Aquapac.
- Are you friends with that sickeningly-in-LOVE newly married couple who still actually LIKE showing off their togetherness? For $25, nothing says TOGETHER like a personalized Christmas stamp!
- Do you have a friend or partner who's ALWAYS on the go? Well why not help them sort their gear with some Eagle Creek Pack-It Cubes? They come in all shapes and sizes (and range from $10-15) , so they're perfect for making those hard-to-find underwear... findable.
- Does your friend own an iPod? Do they run ALL the time or are they TRYING to run all the time? Well for under $50 you can get them one of THE coolest gifts they'll ever get from ANYONE - the Nike+iPod system. This system will tell them how far they've run, how long they've run, and will even upload their data and graph it on the Nike+ site. Just be sure that to grab the SwitchEasy Runaway Adapter in case they're not the "Nike-shoe-wearing" type (this makes it usable in any kind of shoe).
People Who Want to be More Environmentally Friendly:
- Have you read about Soap Nuts? Do you even know what Soap Nuts are? At $13/kit, they're environmentally friendly, they're all natural so contain NO scary chemicals, and they give YOU the choice to make your laundry SMELLY or NOT smelly. Well, maybe they give your wife or best friend that choice, cuz you stuffed these in their stocking, but you get my drift...
For the wine-drinkers:
- Tune in next week for my five faves. Egotistically, I think they're fabulous for the hostess with the mostest at all those Christmas parties you'll be going to shortly.

3 chiming in:
Maybe I should put Soapnuts on my Christmas list....I've been wanting to try something more eco-minded for the laundry...
Wow. This post really rocks! It's like you did all the heavy lifting for me.
And from the ski slopes...
These are GREAT ideas! Thanks!
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